• By: Allen Brown

6 Myths Around Kratom That Need To Be Busted Today

Kratom might be a relatively new topic of conversation for many, but it’s been gaining traction in the past decade. As interest in this intriguing herb grows, so too do its myths and misunderstandings – much to the disappointment of those who stand to benefit greatly from learning more about it. From misconceptions around safely and responsibly dosing to confusion over the potential health benefits, some big misconceptions need to be addressed today. Let’s start by busting six common myths and rumours about kratom hair loss.


Here Are 6 Myths To Bust About Kratom


All Brands Are Equal In Quality And Effectiveness

Often touted for its natural properties, Kratom is a herbal supplement made from the tropical Mitragyna Speciosa plant. While widely used for various reasons, there is a common myth about the quality and effectiveness sold under different brands.


Unfortunately, all brands are not created equal. Quality kratom results from a combination of factors such as the country of origin, the way it is processed, and the extraction method used. Different brands follow different protocols, so there is a huge quality variability between them.


It is essential to do thorough research and purchase it from trusted brands with a proven quality track record. By doing so, you will ensure that you get the best results possible.


You Need A Prescription For These Products

One common myth about Kratom that needs to be debunked is the notion that a prescription is required to purchase its products. In reality, it is not classified as a controlled substance in the United States, which means that no federal or state regulations currently require a doctor’s authorization to obtain it.


This is not to say that the herb is completely unregulated, as certain states and municipalities have enacted laws governing possession and sale. However, most vendors operate legally and strive to provide their customers with high-quality products that have been screened for purity and potency.


As with any dietary supplement, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional if you have questions about whether it is appropriate for you.


It Has A Very Bitter Taste

One of the most common myths surrounding kratom is that it has a notoriously bitter taste that can be difficult to tolerate. While it’s true that it does have a distinct flavor profile that not everyone finds appealing, the reality is that there are ways to make it more palatable.


Some users prefer to mix their powder in with a sweet or fruity drink that complements the taste, while others choose to take capsules that can be swallowed whole. Additionally, many kratom vendors offer flavored powder options, such as chocolate or strawberry, to help mask the taste.


Ultimately, the idea that it must taste unpleasant is a myth that can be easily debunked with a little creativity and experimentation.


It Is Only Available From Certain Suppliers In Specific Concentrations And Doses

Kratom is often surrounded by a cloud of mystery and myth, with one of the most common misconceptions being that it is only available from certain suppliers in specific concentrations and doses. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.


It is widely available from various sources, including online retailers, health food stores, and gas stations. There is no limit to the number of suppliers offering this product, which can be found in many different forms and concentrations.


From capsules and tablets to powders and extracts, there is an endless array of options available to consumers looking to experience the many benefits of this fascinating plant. Whether you’re a seasoned kratom user or simply interested in trying it out for the first time, there are countless options, making it more widely accessible.


It Is Illegal In Many Countries Around The World

While it is true that Kratom has been a subject of debate and controversy globally, the myth that it is illegal in many countries worldwide is not entirely factual. Though the laws surrounding its usage and possession differ from one location to another, it is not universally banned.


For example, it remains legal in the United States, although some states have restricted its sale and use. In some countries, it is classified as a controlled substance or banned altogether.


However, there are also places where it is legal for use, including Canada, Mexico, and parts of Europe. It is essential to research the legal status of Kratom in any country or state before possessing or using it to avoid undesirable consequences.


You Can Overdose On It

One of the most persistent myths about Kratom is that it can lead to overdose, which might make you think twice before trying this plant. However, the truth is that its safety profile is quite remarkable, especially when compared to other substances like opioids.


While it is technically possible to take too much Kratom, the doses needed to cause serious adverse effects are so high that they are unlikely to be consumed accidentally by anyone. Moreover, numerous studies have confirmed that it has a substantially low toxicity profile, making it a safer alternative.


Why Is It Crucial To Bust The Myths Surrounding Kratom?

Busting the myths surrounding kratom is paramount for individuals considering trying or using this substance. For starters, there are many misconceptions about it, including the belief that it is harmful and dangerous.


In reality, this is far from the truth. Unfortunately, these myths and false information can scare off potential users and prevent them from experiencing the benefits of kratom. By clearing up these myths, individuals can make informed decisions about whether or not it is right for them and utilize it responsibly and safely. Educating the public about kratom reduces stigma and ensures a safe and informed community.

Summing It Up

Kratom has been around for decades, yet misconceptions about it remain rampant today. By understanding the facts surrounding this natural supplement, we can better understand its benefits and potential risks. Clearing up these myths will help create an educated population aware of kratom’s history and potential uses. Doing your research is the best way to get a more holistic view of kratom and decide if it is right for you. Also make sure if you are interested in trying to look at different options like red borneo kratom.

Photo credits: Pixabay