An Exhibition of Photography by Asif Rehman
Asif Rehman’s photography reveals that the label “Canadian Muslim” at best defines only a part of a person’s identity, and seeks to break down stereotypes held by Muslims and non-Muslims about what it means to be a Canadian Muslim.
"In spite of differences that exist between people and cultures, I believe we are connected by an underlying humanity," Rehman tells Ottawa Life. "But in our society dominated by 24 X 7 cable television, polarizing and sometimes extreme opinions and images get the headlines. I feel that my work brings much needed balance to the subject of Canadian Muslim identity. The power of an image can challenge the viewer’s preconceptions, allowing them to empathize with the subject. By communicating the essence of human experience and emotion, we can learn how much we all have in common and can begin to break down barriers of misunderstanding and ignorance."
Mohamed (pictured above) is a community development professional. He is a respected community activist and builder who has had a significant positive impact through involvement in many community-led initiatives and organizations in Ottawa. He is a member of many organizations, including the Catholic Centre for Immigrants, Britannia Woods Community House, Somali Youth Basketball league, and Horn of Africa Development Assistance. Mohamed believes in the importance of grassroots solutions and strategies to tackle community needs.
Mombasa trains as an amateur boxer while pursuing her PhD in Public Administration at the University of Ottawa. She is intelligent, independent, and strong, and still undefeated as a boxer! I think she’s a great role model for the young citizen of today. Oh, and she crushes the stereotype of the submissive, weak, dependent, hijab-wearing woman. Go Girl Go!
Louise is a master's student in Sociocultural Anthropology at the University of Toronto. In her spare time, she is an avid athlete (hockey, volleyball) and traveler (India, Vanuatu, Australia, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Turkey). Louise has played goal for the Hamilton Jr. Hawks of the Provincial Women's Hockey League and the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks varsity women's hockey team.
Troy is a Canadian Pop and Punk recording artist calling for a "Pop Music Re-Evolution." His music video The Batty Boys Revenge addressing homophobic violence garnered rave reviews. Screenings of the video were held at the Art Gallery of Ontario, The Toronto Inside Out Film Festival, Image Nation Film Festival (Montreal), and The North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.
Farrah, at the age of 16, picked up a microphone to speak out about sexual assault and has not put it down since. Named by the Toronto Star as one of 2011's “People to Watch,” she has spent the last 16 years working diligently to raise awareness of gender-based violence through art creation, counselling and community development. She holds a Master of Social Work from the U of T and supports women who are survivors of violence as a counsellor and advocate at the Barbra Schlifer Clinic. Farrah is also an artist who uses prose, video and craft to explore the intersections of migration, faith and community.
"Muslims?! #4 An Exhibition of Photography by Asif Rehman" runs from Nov 29 to Jan 8 at the Centrepointe Theatre Gallery (101 Centrepointe Drive). Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7pm. Friday 8:30am-6pm. Saturday 10am-5pm. Sunday 1-5pm.
Opening Reception: Monday December 2, from 6pm to 8pm
Contact Asif Rehman asifrehmanphotography@gmail.com 613 799 0274 www.asifrehman.com Twitter @asifrehmanphoto www.facebook.com/pages/Asif-Rehman-Photography/230455076966017