Bieber Finds Awards Hollow… And he Might be Right
Photo courtesy of MikesMedia.com.
Despite a consistently growing group of haters, people everywhere have got a fever, and the only prescription, it seems, is more Bieber. Ottawa was abuzz with whispers, gasps, and most likely a few scoffs as the Stratford-native superstar roamed the streets before his May 13 show at the Canadian Tire Centre in Kanata. Although his stay in Ottawa was overshadowed with fancy and somehow unsettling overalls, and a tipping faux-pas, Bieber’s show in Ottawa for his Purpose World Tour was a successful one.
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Here are a few great shots from Justin Bieber’s show in Ottawa on May 13, all photos courtesy of MIKE’S MEDIA.
And so the Bieber train keeps chugging along, gathering steam as award shows keep glittering the boy pop-king with nominations and adulation. Sunday, he was awarded Top Male Artist at this year’s Billboard Music Awards, and he is also leading the nominations at this year’s Teen Choice Awards, tying with his former sweetheart Selena Gomez (drama), raking in three nominations each. Bieber is nominated for Choice Male Artist, and also best “hottie.”
Surprisingly, Bieber is starting to find these award shows somehow…”hollow.” In an Instagram post bannered by a creepy looking castle looming over sheep grazing in a pasture (there’s symbolism at work here I’m sure), Bieber wrote a rather respectful, yet scathing critique of the endless award show gamut.
Starting off with “no disrespect,” and “nothing but love,” the popstar launched into a pontification over the emptiness of the validation gained from award shows, directed to his 69 million Instagram followers.
“I get the premise is to award people for their accomplishments, but is it really? Because when I look in the audience I see a bunch of fake smiles so that when the camera hits them they look happy,” Bieber wrote.
“When I do get these awards the temptation of putting my worth in what I do is so hard to fight!!!I am privileged and honored to be recognized by my peers in but in these settings I can’t feel the recognition. There’s an authenticity missing that I crave!”
He ended with a “sorry not sorry” for his grammar, and a call out to the world if it too felt the shallowness of the whole affair. Although the media has taken this as just another privileged bemoaning of being too privileged, it seems more akin to the fact that Bieber is 22, and trying to understand the world like most young adults, but with the added pressure of being too famous to have relatable problems. So no disrespect Bieber, we feel you.