Carleton Professor Says Minister and MPs are Failing the RCMP and Canadians
Feature image: Former Commissioner of the RCMP Bob Paulson
It appears the new tactic of dozens of Members of Parliament when they don’t want to deal with an issue is to just not respond to the inquiry. Either that or they answer an inquiry with a non-answer, or worse, answer with something that has nothing to do with the question being asked.
Carleton Criminology Professor Darryl Davies says he is dismayed, disappointed and shocked at this new approach by MPs and in particular by the lack of concern the Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale and MPs from all parties have shown for not addressing his many letters and inquiries regarding the problems of poor leadership in the RCMP. Davies has put together a list of serious problems within the RCMP, items that Members of Parliament continue to ignore. Davies says that both the NDP and the Conservatives have proven to be equally negligent by failing to do their job on behalf of Canadians and the rank and file members of the RCMP .

Ralph Goodale
“Ralph Goodale has proven to be incompetent on this file and yet not one political party has demanded he resign”, says Davies. The irony is that many people now feel our parliamentary representatives in the House of Commons are just as ineffectual and inept as the management of the RCMP, for which they are responsible for monitoring as part of their parliamentary duties.
Davies concerns are valid. He notes the following:
In February 2017, the then Commissioner of the RCMP Bob Paulson announced that a large cash settlement was going to be paid to compensate the victims of harassment who were subject to sexual harassment in the RCMP for many years. This decision was made to avert a class action lawsuit that was being launched against the RCMP from 500 plus members of the RCMP. Not one member of a political party bothered to ask or demand if any of the officers who were involved in this criminal predatory behaviour had been sanctioned, demoted, disciplined or dismissed. It is tantamount to paying off a woman who is sexually assaulted and not laying criminal charges against her perpetrator (See Ottawa Life Magazine article, March 2017)
Response from members of parliament-ZERO
On May 29, 2017, a press conference held at the National Press Club in Ottawa set out details of the shoddy investigation that was conducted into the deaths of four Mounties in Mayerthorpe Alberta in 2005. The press conference revealed that large sections of the supposed independent and impartial Labour Canada investigation plagiarized large sections from the RCMP's internal investigative report. It further revealed that the principal investigator for Labour Canada was hired by the RCMP a few months later (See article: Too Little Too late: Why a Public Inquiry is Needed into the Harassment and Abuse of Officers Within the RCMP)
Response from members of parliament- ZERO
In June 2017, the then Commissioner of the RCMP Bob Paulson retired. The person appointed interim commissioner was Dan Dubeau. Davies notes that the problem with this appointment is that Paulson also appointed Dubeau's wife, Guylaine Dansereau, to the position of professional responsibility officer. Davies says that under Chapter three, Section 1.1.12 of the RCMP's transfer and deployment policy it clearly states:
"Members with an immediate family/relative relationship to each other will not be posted or located where one holds an immediate supervisory position over the other." Section 2.6 says: "immediate family means a spouse or cohabitating partner and all children from whom a member is responsible."
Davies says this is a significant conflict of interest because “you have Dansereau and Dubeau holding the two positions that are at the centre of the human resources management of the force. What it means is that if a member of the public or an RCMP officer had a serious complaint against the interim Commissioner they would have to file it with his wife to investigate”. (see Ottawa Citizen: 'Davies: End patronage in the RCMP', July 13, 2017)
Response from members of parliament-ZERO
On November 6, 2017, Ottawa Life Magazine published an article titled 'BREAKING: RCMP Ignoring Report Cost Officer's Lives.' This article documents that two years before the shooting deaths of three Mounties and the wounding of two others in 2017 that the Codiac Regional Police Authority (CRPA) approved funding to purchase patrol carbines for officers. The money was never spent and the patrol carbines never purchased. This document indicates that despite having the approval to purchase, train and arm their officers with patrol carbines that it never occurred. No one has bothered to ask where the money went or why it wasn't spent to purchase the necessary equipment. The findings are exceptionally important because these CRPA documents were suppressed during the trial by the CRPA Board, meaning vital evidence was not disclosed to either the crown or defence council during the labour code trial against the RCMP.
Response from members of parliament-ZERO
These are just a few of the many issues infecting the RCMP that have been repeatedly and consistently ignored by members of parliament, says Davies. It’s not surprising that people have zero respect for our political system and are demonstrating this in increasing numbers by not bothering to vote. To make matters worse if that’s possible there is more bad news coming in the weeks ahead.
Sadly, our politicians are so out of touch with reality they will likely ignore these as well.