Celebrate Easter with your family no matter how small it may be
Dear Adele,
I am the sole parent of a six-year-old daughter whose extended family lives in another city. Easter is upon us, and I’m wondering how to celebrate the day without family around. Any ideas?
On Our Own
Dear On Our Own,
Miriam Webster defines a family as a group of people living together in one household. It is common that a family share core values, a common history, and family bonding activities. In today’s world, many people extend that word to include very good friends as well. Trenton Lee Stewart says, “Family members can be your best friends you know. And best friends, whether or not they are all related to you, can be your family.”
So, On Our Own, may I suggest you start considering you and your daughter a real family and think of ways to establish traditions for the two of you. If you want, include very good friends who are not related to you, but whom you might like to have as family if you had a choice.
A few facts about Easter follow which might be useful.
As you are probably aware, Easter began as a pagan holiday welcoming springtime. The name ‘Easter’ comes from the English pagan fertility goddess, Eostre. In the Christian tradition, Easter is largely a religious holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of God’s promise for the salvation of mankind.
The Easter Bunny was a figure from folklore first written about in 1680. It decorated and hid eggs. Bunnies were chosen because they are very fertile and symbolize new life. Of course, the Easter Bunny does not really exist, but it can be fun to pretend as part of a family activity that everyone can participate in.
Eggs were also a symbol of fertility and became associated with spring and new life as well.
Listed below are some ideas which might assist you in building Easter traditions with your daughter. Remember, sharing quality time in the creation of wonderful Easter memories with your daughter is what is important. They will be some of the irreplaceable treasures she will take into her adult life when she recalls her childhood and her family.
- Shop together for a new dress-up outfit.
- Have a family portrait created.
- Bake a bunny cake with chocolate icing, a pink jellybean nose, and licorice whiskers
- Prepare a traditional Easter meal of ham, scallop potatoes, candied carrots, and deviled eggs.
- Colour and decorate Easter eggs.
- Plan an Easter egg hunt with a new Easter basket.
- Put notes in your child’s lunch box with Easter jokes on them.
- Enjoy an Easter craft together.
- Plan an outing to the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum or Valleyview Animal Farm.
- Create an Easter-themed brunch.
- Buy fresh springtime flowers.
- Fill coloured plastic eggs with treats such as raisins, balloons, tattoos, and coins.
- Video chat with friends and extended family who live away.
- Talk about the religious significance of Easter, pray or attend a church service.
Some useful articles from Ottawamommyclub.ca are entitled “10 Easter Egg Crafts”, “35 Ideas to Decorate Easter Eggs,” and “Easter Lunchbox Jokes for Kids.” Kids in the capital.ca has many good suggestions for outings in an article entitled “Easter Activities in Ottawa-Kids in the Capital.”
Kate Middleton has inspiring advice for us. She writes, “There is no rulebook, no right or wrong; you just have to make it up and do the very best you can to care for your family.” I hope her words reassure you in your parenting decisions around building Easter traditions for your young family.
Best wishes to you, On Our Own, for a terrific Easter holiday weekend.
Sincerely, Adele
I'm looking forward to your questions! Email me at maryadeleblair@gmail.com and please put Heart to Heart in the subject line. Note that all columns will remain anonymous.
Photo: iStock