“Girls in Sports ” scores as a great opportunity for young girls
Nepean High School's CORE Leadership program does lots of things for Nepean High School. One of its central focus’ is empowering and equipping young people to make a positive difference in their communities. One of the ways that they’re doing that is through a new program, “Girls in Sports”!
Girls in Sports will be a clinic that encourages a healthy and happy lifestyle for girls. This clinic will be designed to motivate girls from the ages of 6-9. Each session will be designed to expose girls to a different sport and therefore hopefully encourage them to continue pursuing a healthy lifestyle through sports.
The clinic will be non-profit, only by donation. All donations will go to the “Women’s Sports Foundation”.
This clinic will serve as a great opportunity for girls to get to play fun activities and sports, make new friends, be encouraged to live a healthy and active life, win giveaways, experience positive role models and learn fun ways to exercise and be healthy.
This clinic will take place on November 22, from 4:45 to 6:15 pm. For more information, contact play.like.a.girl100@gmail.com or visit their website at https://sites.google.com/