Hot Yoga: Trendy or Torturous?
I’ll admit it–I’ve never tried hot yoga. I know, I know, re-hinge those jaws hot yoga junkies. As appealing as the health benefits of hot yoga sound, I have yet to wake up and proclaim that today will be the day I’ll willingly torture, and likely embarrass, myself by practicing yoga in a sauna-like environment. With all of the trendy hot yoga studios in Ottawa, however, maybe that day is closer than I think.
Hot yoga, or bikram yoga as it is formally termed, has become a major trend in the fitness world. Hot yoga is a vigorous form of yoga practiced in a space well above room temperature, designed to increase your heart rate, tire your muscles and build flexibility. In any hot yoga class, you should expect to sweat profusely and from everywhere. The intense sweating is all a part of the detox benefits of hot yoga and is said to flush the body of toxins. As a result, it is particularly important to stay hydrated throughout the class. Rumour has it you can leave hot yoga feeling refreshed and invigorated, with that sore-in-a-good-way souvenir from the experience.
For those of you still with me, props for persevering through the profuse sweating! If hot yoga sounds right up your alley, or you’re simply looking to break out of an exercise rut and try something new, you’re definitely in the right city! Ottawa has some fabulously modern hot yoga studios definitely worth a visit.
With locations in the heart of Centretown and Westboro, this studio epitomizes the ideal yoga experience. Their website is extremely user-friendly, making the process of signing up for a class almost effortless. The wide variety of instructors and class times throughout the day ensures that you can squeeze a class into your busy schedule. With classes that are named Pure Power, Pure Flow and Pure Vinyasa, you can guarantee yourself a worthwhile workout.
Situated downtown on Elgin Street, this charming studio has a mission to be a positive influence on society and give back to the world through movement in yoga. From total beginners to expert yogis, there is a class at Elevate Yoga to challenge you in all the right ways. With organic, paraben-free products available for use in the change room and an indoor garden infusing the space with greenery, your experience here will leave you refreshed, relaxed and ready to take on the day.
Aside from this studio’s adorable logo, Yogatown has a lot to offer. With locations in Little Italy on Preston Street and in Stittsville, Yogatown is all about sharing the power of hot yoga to help people reconnect to their bodies and surpass physical limitations. They offer a wide variety of classes taught by a team of skilled instructors who will ensure you have a positive yet challenging experience. And signing up for classes online is a breeze! This sleek studio is definitely worth a look.
I can’t deny it–I’m a little intrigued. The benefits of hot yoga may just be worth the potential embarrassment factor. After all, the first time is bound to be the hardest. If you’re like me, maybe it’s time to bite the bullet, slip on those beloved yoga pants and head over to one of these studios before we can convince ourselves otherwise.
So, what do you think about hot yoga: yay or nay? Totally worth it or avoid at all costs? Let me know what you think!
Good luck, yogis!