JUNO by Numbers!
Photos by Kamara Morozuk
We all know the JUNOs are going to be one massive party Sunday night featuring some of the best musicians in the country.
But what does it take to put it all together?
This year the JUNOs are even bigger than ever and that’s not just the extra half hour of show.
More sound, more lights, more stage all have to be meticulously put together by more crew before the first of more cameras roll at show time.
Ottawa Life got a closer look –we’re talking Bryan Adams dressing room kind of close– at the production only a few days away from the big night and now we’re going to let you peak behind the curtain for a glimpse of what it takes to bring such a massive show to the music loving masses!

41 million pixels of video LED panels
280,000 watts of audio power
275,000 watts of video power
256,412 watts of lighting power
25,000 ft. of video cable
10,800 amps of show power
8,500 ft. of camera fibre cable
6,500 personnel working hours this week
4,000 ft. of video fibre cable
3,850 square ft. stage
2,364 ft. of lighting and video truss

1,500 sq. ft. of rolling risers
1,146 energy efficient lighting fixtures
450 microphones
412 panels of video LED
214 lighting and video chain motors
210 PA speakers
140 local crew members
86 TV tech personnel
65 intercoms

40 production TV/monitors
35 TV production crew
34 dressing rooms
13 4K HD mobile cameras
12 mobile dressing rooms
5 performance areas on stage
3 moving video walls
2 audio mobile units
1 30 ft. 360 degree flying camera crane
Now the JUNOs are allowing you to get closer than ever without leaving your living room.
JUNO TV will give you exclusive backstage access during the show, a 360 red carpet live stream, and interviews by YouTuber Sam Sutherland and Indie 88’s Lana Gay. It’s the only place (without being there) where you can check out the 2017 JUNO Gala Dinner & Awards Saturday night and have a fly on the wall view of what happens in the Media Centre.
We’re just a few days away and whether you’re there live or watching it from home, there’s another important numerical stat you shouldn’t forget:
1 amazing night of Canadian entertainment!