KCC reopens with three new exhibitions
The Korean Cultural Centre Canada on Elgin Street is re-opening to the public on Friday, July 16th!
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Canada and the Korean Cultural Centre (KCC) Canada present the exhibition MEGA SEOUL 4 DECADES at the Korean Cultural Centre Gallery. The exhibition will run until Friday, September 3, 2021 and is presented in partnership with the Museum of Photography, Seoul and Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, Ontario.
MEGA SEOUL 4 DECADES showcases 55 photographic images of Seoul captured by twelve established Korean photographers who took a multitude of portraits of the city including the developments surrounding the Han River, the booming construction leading up to the 1988 Seoul Olympics, and the rehabilitation of traditional palaces and streets. This exhibition is a space that allows people to experience Seoul for the first time, or recall their personal memories and connections.
Curated by the Museum of Photography, Seoul in 2012, MEGA SEOUL 4 DECADES has toured internationally, including the Philippines (2018), Vietnam (2019), Hong Kong (2021), and Belgium (2021) via the Travelling Korean Arts Project by the Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange (KOFICE).
Two other exhibitions will open simultaneously at the KCC Gallery.
First, Liza Linklater: SHADES OF SEOUL features Liza Linklater, a Canadian photographer whose works have been exhibited in Canada, Thailand, the Philippines, and South Korea. Linklater lived in Seoul for four years between 2013 and 2016 and fell in love with the beauty of Korea, especially the city of Seoul. Eight photographic collage works are to be displayed in the exhibition which represent her appreciation of the aesthetic contrasts of Seoul.
ABOVE: (Source: Heritage Korea Portal at http://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?ccbaCpno=1111102490000&pageNo=1_1_1_1 )
Second, Donggwolddo (or Map of the East Palace) features a painting two palaces from of the Joseon Dynasty during the reign of King Sunjo. The painting is believed to be the work of painters of Dohwaseo, the Office of Drawings and Paintings of the Joseon Dynasty and was created between 1826 and 1831. It is 576cm long, 273cm wide and was made into a sixteen-fold screen. The trees and bridges of the two palaces surrounded by mountains and hills, and the garden arrangements including the lotus flowers, rocks and walls are all depicted realistically in minute details.
In addition, a series of engaging public events will also be hosted as part of the MEGA SEOUL 4 DECADES exhibition. Three former and current Canadian Ambassadors to Korea will share their personal experiences and memories of Seoul. In addition, four virtual lectures on the history of Seoul will be given by Dr. Christina Han, Associate Professor of History at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Please call or email the KCC to reserve your visit: 613-233-8008/ canada@korea.kr
A detailed schedule of the public programming is available on the KCC website.
Date: July 13th, 2021 to September 3rd,2021
Venue: the KCC Gallery, Korean Cultural Centre Canada
Artists: HONG Soontai, HAN Chungshik, KIM Kichan, JOO Myung Duck, Bohnchang KOO, Gap Chul LEE, AHN Sekwon, BANG Byungsang, Eunjong LEE, Chanmin PARK, Sunkwan KWON and Hyewon KEUM (12 artists)
Organizers: Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Canada, Korean Cultural Centre Canada, Museum of Photography, Seoul and the Wilfrid Laurier University
Host: Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange
COVID-19 safety measures are currently in place!
- To ensure the safety of everyone, visitors will be welcomed to our exhibition gallery only via reservation until further notice.
- To ensure 2-meter distancing, only a maximum of 5 people will be allowed inside the KCC gallery at once.
- Temperature checks will be conducted on all visitors using a touchless forehead thermometer.
- Facemasks will be mandatory in order to enter the KCC (including people with 2nd vaccinations complete)
- Hand sanitizers will be available at the reception desk and washrooms.
- The facility will undergo thorough daily cleaning and disinfections.