Life keeps rolling by and changing quickly
For those who aren’t on social media, I have an update regarding getting my booster shot.
I got it last Tuesday, and all went well.
On Monday, a friend informed me about a pop-up clinic at Canadian Mental Health Clinic, located at 311 McArthur Avenue.
I was lucky to book a bus for the next day even though it was after 2 pm.
Both of my Para Transpo rides were actually on time.
When I arrived, I joined the line-up outside for about 15 minutes. I started to get cold, so I asked someone in charge if I could wait inside. To my surprise, they said yes, but they also let me go ahead of the line. I noticed that a few were upset that I was going ahead of them. I get it. I’d be upset too. As a general rule, I don’t like getting special treatment. In this case, I had a Para Transpo ride already booked, so I had limited time.
Once I got inside, I headed to the room to get the booster. There was a small line-up, but at least I was indoors. A few minutes later, a staff member from OPH took to the room. An OPH nurse named Juliet greeted me. She asked me a few Covid related questions and told me about the vaccine, which was Moderna this time around. My first two were from Pfizer.
After Juliet gave me the information, I received the shot.
Boom! Pretty easy!
If you’re reading this, Juliet, thank you again for giving my booster shot and thank you for kindness. Hopefully, Ottawa Public Health will read this and relay my message.
After getting my shot, I went to the waiting room for 15 minutes. My Para Transpo driver came into the clinic to get me, and off I went.
So, about the pop-up clinic.
As I mentioned, the clinic’s located at CMHA, at 311 McArthur Avenue. For those of you taking Para Transpo, I suggest that you ask your driver to drop you off at the back door. There may be a line-up, so I recommend that you speak to whoever’s in charge if you have a Para Transpo ride booked to take you home.
Last week, the pop-up vaccine clinic was opened on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday between 1 pm – 7 pm. I suggest calling CMHA or Ottawa Public Health for more information.
CMHA number is 613-737-7791.
OPH number is 613-580-6744 and follow the menu options.
(I hope the booster shot comes with a royale with cheese now.)
For a complete listing of locations of where you can get your booster shot, please visit OPH’s website at: https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/covid-19-vaccine.aspx#Community-clinics
I must warn you that your arm may be sore the next day. You can take Tylenol as I did. Some suggested to me to take it before you go. It makes sense, but it didn’t occur to me. The soreness was all gone a few days later.
PLEASE get your booster shot if you’re able to. If we all do the right things together, this whole madness will be over, and we can at least try to return to normal.
Whatever “normal” may mean to you, or perhaps a new & better “normal.”
A quick update on #ParaTranspoInDecember.
December and a month of free public transportation is almost over. Judging by the hashtag, there have been very few issues. The main problem for me is when there’s another passenger on my rides. I don’t think that should be allowed, especially since the number of active Covid cases continues to rise.
I feel that OC Transpo & the City of Ottawa aren’t doing their best to keep people safe as far as public transportation goes. At the very least, Para Transpo drivers should be checking proof of vaccines.
There are still a few more days left in December. Please use the hashtag #ParaTranspoInDecember if you experience any ride delays, no shows, or problems with getting your preferred times when booking your rides.
Next week, I’ll provide a final update, but I’m not expecting any significant changes.
That’ll do it for me for this week & this year.
I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday season. I wish you all the best in 2022.
Take care.
Be safe.
Please continue to protect yourself & the ones around us.
Photo: iStock