The long wait is finally over. Fully vaccinated and counting the days.
I’m officially fully vaccinated!
As I’m typing this, I’m not experiencing any side effects. Hopefully, by the time this comes out, I’ll still be ok. Even if I do have side effects, it’s a small price to pay.
The procedure itself was pretty quick and straightforward.
As I mentioned last week, I was offered the chance to get my second dose at my place, which made things much easier than my first dose.
Two OPH nurses arrived around 9:40 am. When I answered my door, I saw that had a big cart full of supplies. That moment reminded me of my time at CHEO and getting my blood taken. This time though, the cart was left outside my door.
One of the nurses brought in a cooler, which had the vaccine in it. I’m guessing that there were others as well, but I’m not sure.
I was asked the usual Covid related questions, and I again passed with flying colours. After that, I was asked to show my health card. From there, the nurse explained to me about the shot and what to expect.
Sadly, there was no mention about gaining superpowers, though.
A few moments later, I was jabbed in my right arm, and that was that.
The two nurses stayed for fifteen minutes to make sure that I was ok. I ended up having a great chat with one of the nurses about comics and celebrities that I’ve met, including the legendary Stan Lee.
After the fifteen minutes were up, I told them that I felt fine, and they left. Shortly after, I received an email from OPH with proof that I received my second shot. My understanding is that it takes two weeks for the vaccine to work.
In theory, that day will be July 18th.
The whole procedure took about 25 minutes.
This time around was much smoother than my first dose. As some of you may recall, I had several issues, mainly regarding communication, or lack thereof. For example, when I was asked for my ID and personal information, the caregiver had to do it on my behalf because the person taking my info sat behind plexiglass and couldn’t hear me. Also, after I received my first shot, one of the staff there chose to ask my caregiver if I was feeling ok.
They should’ve asked me. The person that received the shot.
I firmly believe that having the option to receive one or both shots at home should’ve been available from the beginning, besides being beneficial to people with physical disabilities and those with mental health issues, along with many others in our city.
Since day one of the pandemic, I feel that many were ignored, especially the most vulnerable. For a good example of this, just think about the many lives lost in long-term care homes, both locally and in Ontario.
There’s no doubt in my mind that our Government dropped the ball, and far too many people suffered and will continue to for many years to come.
As for me, now I have a big question to ponder. Now that I’ve received the vaccine, what will I feel comfortable doing once the vaccine kicks in?
For starters, I’d love to see my friends once they’re fully vaccinated. I haven’t seen most of my friends for almost two years, some longer.
As far as going out to sporting events, movies, concerts, and indoor dining. I’m not sure right now. The idea of paying to see a movie while having to wear a mask doesn’t sound too appealing to me right now.
As I said though, it’s been a very long time since I’ve seen my friends. We shall see.
Before I end this, I just want to say again thank you to Ottawa Public Health. Thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do for our city during the pandemic. We appreciate it.
To everyone else, please get vaccinated if you can, but haven’t yet.
Vaccines do save lives. Please get vaccinated.