10 Terrific Tips to Turn You Into A Great Academic Writer

Writing is something we all do a lot in our spare time, not even thinking about it. We take notes, write our thoughts down in the notebook, calculate something on paper, scribble a list of groceries etc. Yet, we compose even more while being students in college, taking in every task and doing essays or other assignments. Being an academic writer differs from simple scribbling, and we surely have to master this profession throughout our lives.

It can be hard to make academic writing bearable for you, that’s why we have 10 amazing tips you can try out.


1. To understand other styles and college writing formats, try to read a lot of information out there. It can be anything, from books out of your favorite library to articles online.

2. Make your reading habit consistent to enrich your vocabulary

3. Take mental notes of approaches and techniques that you favorite writers use.

Plan what you will write each day

4. Along with reading, practice your writing skills. Use the same methods you remember and try them out by yourself.

5. Think of topics that can interest you and dwell on them, that way you will be ready to write about anything. If you’re not sure what to write about, find the best papers writing service for yourself and work with them.

6. Work on developing your own style by trying out what you enjoy composing about.

Syntax, punctuation, and tone of voice

7. Don’t try to burden yourself with super smart words, make your tone simple and introductive, and keep it casual.

8. Some readers such as research writers can pay a lot of attention to mistakes, so check your punctuation so your sentences won’t turn out confusing.


9. Ask your friends or family members to read your work. They will see mistakes you can’t see and give you objective feedback.

10. Use editing software such as Grammarly and Style Writer to help you edit your work automatically.

As much as academic writing can seem scary and too serious, don’t be too alarmed while trying it out. It’s nice to generate new ideas and get them out to the world, especially if you know how to do it properly and correctly, without any mistakes and confusion. While trying a list of methods, you can arrange your own style, create an online blog, find interested readers, get your writings published in a magazine… and who knows? Maybe you will become a huge writer of the next generation.

Jeff Blaylock is a freelance writer, blogger and a student of literature.  He writes on various topics but is enthusiastic about education. Jeff is renowned for his insight into academic writing.