How to find your dream job?

Finding your dream job is not an easy task, and for many individuals, it’s a lifelong challenge. A dream job is one where you feel like you are fulfilling your life’s ambitions every day at work, and you feel passionate about the work you are doing each day. When you follow the tips and career advice below to find your dream job, you won’t dread going to work each day, and your role will meet your salary expectations. Working for a company that treats its employees well is an important part of any job, and it will help you feel valued as an employee. These are some top tips for how to find your dream job, and by reading interviews and articles on this topic, you’ll be one step closer to finding your dream role.

Review your past jobs

When looking for potential workplaces and employers, you’ll want to really think about what your dream profession would involve. Do you love working with people or prefer to work with technology and little distraction each day? Take the time to think about what you liked and disliked about your previous jobs, and decide which similar or different characteristics of these jobs you are willing to tolerate any longer. By having a clear idea in your mind of where you are heading career-wise and what makes you wake up and want to go to work each day, you’ll know what type of occupation and industries to start your dream job search in. While no position is likely to be one hundred percent perfect, you’ll at least be able to work towards finding one that ticks most of the requirements on your dream workplace checklist.

What are your strengths?

In your previous jobs, what have you always been praised for? On the other hand, what do you perceive as your weaknesses? By assessing your strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be far better equipped to apply for jobs that suit your personality and skill set. When it comes to the application and interview process, you’ll also be ready to answer the most critical questions on what you can bring to a company and offer in your new job role. It’s vital to show self-awareness regardless of what level of position you are applying for. Knowing your strengths will help you further down the road when working in a management role. You can delegate the jobs that you know aren’t your favorite or strongest tasks to complete.


Networking with individuals who work within the industry you are interested in entering into is one of the best ways to gain insight into what your dream job role would involve. While it can be scary to approach people you’ve never met before, it’s important to try something new whenever the opportunity presents. Nowadays, it’s easy to network online thanks to sites such as LinkedIn, where you can learn more about dream job opportunities. You’ll be able to broaden your horizons by considering working outside of your local area and even outside of your home country by networking with individuals from around the world. Conferences and workshops are a fantastic way to meet new people and learn more about your dream job role, and you’ll be able to meet leaders in your field of work at these events.

Consider creating your own job role

Freelancing remote work opportunities are continuing to increase, especially after the challenging year we’ve all just faced. With more and more businesses realizing that the work environment can easily be moved to employee’s homes, your dream job could involve remote work. Thanks to freelancing sites such as Upwork and Fiverr, it’s entirely possible to create your own job and be your own boss. While this isn’t for everyone, if you aspire to be a writer, graphic designer or personal assistant, finding remote work online might be the most profitable route for you in the long run. There are so many benefits to freelancing, such as a flexible schedule and work hours. It is ideal for many parents and people who value their free time as much as their job role. The internet offers the world free resources where anyone can learn new skills to land the job of their dreams and be their own boss.

Consider what type of company and work environment you need

It’s important to consider what your ideal work environment and company office would be before applying for or accepting a new job role. While it may seem trivial to some, if you are going to spend the majority of your waking hours in a building, you may as well enjoy going there each day. For productive working, you’ll want to find somewhere which has a welcoming and professional environment, with an office structure that allows you to focus on the task at hand and use logic to solve problems in silence if needed. Some companies nowadays offer incredible offices and facilities for their staff, so if a good work-life balance and social life are an important part of a job role for you, this is something to look for when considering potential employers.

There’s so much to consider when trying to find your perfect position of employment. A dream job will help you to make the most of every day of your life and give you enjoyment while at work. A good job role will help you develop as an individual and push you further in life to reach your potential. With so many amazing company benefits on offer nowadays and the realistic possibility of being your own boss as a freelancer, with a little research and thought, you’ll be able to find a job that makes you happy and fulfilled. While it can be hard to overcome the obstacles to find a new job role, it’s well worth it for the satisfaction you will feel in the long term.

Browse job listings

Another way to find your dream job is searching through job listings online. Sites like Jobs in Ottawa on Jooble are a great source to find open job opportunities in your local area in every sector imaginable including the public sector, tech, trades, retail and much more. The job listings are updated on a daily basis, so they are always up-to-date and relevant.

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