How to take better care of yourself at work

If you want to feel great and perform your best in your career then you must make self-care a priority. You’ll have a better attitude and outlook on life and work when you are healthy and well.

It’s ultimately your responsibility to ensure that you put yourself first and don’t let your wellbeing take a backseat just because you’re busy. There are some tips and tools you can use and apply when you’re wondering how to take better care of yourself at work, all of which will help you have a more satisfying and rewarding career.

Establish A Clean & Safe Work Environment

Take better care of yourself at work by establishing a clean and safe environment to be in and exist each day. It can be anything from cleaning your desk area regularly if you’re in an office to learning about the best hearing protection options if your environment is noisy all the time. Ask for training when you need it as well to make sure you can avoid injuries and that you know how to do your job.

Bring Your Own Lunch & Snacks

Another way to take better care of yourself at work is to bring your own food and snacks. This way you can avoid being tempted to eat unhealthy foods that may be ordered in or in the break room. You’ll eat out less which will not only help you cut calories and live a healthier lifestyle but will save your money too. Have snacks on hand you can pull out and eat when you are hungry and need a boost of energy.

Take Breaks & Get Away

If you’re going to do well at your job and be happy then you should also focus on reducing stress and anxiety. It’ll be beneficial for you to take breaks frequently throughout the day and to step away from your computer. You can go for a short walk, stretch your legs, or converse with your coworkers. You’ll notice that when you take short breaks you’re more productive in the long run and make fewer mistakes. You should also plan to take time off from your job and use your vacation days so that you return feeling energized and ready to work hard again.

Drink Water

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water during your workday. Take better care of yourself at work by avoiding a lot of caffeine and sugary drinks and stick to having water instead. If you want to make it more flavorful then squeeze some fruits or vegetables into your glass. You might find that you drink more water at work when you keep a water bottle at your desk or nearby that you can fill up when it gets low.

Get Enough Sleep Each Night

Sometimes staying up late feels good at the moment but also makes for a rough next day at work. Therefore, take better care of yourself and do better on the job by getting enough sleep each night. You’ll be more efficient at work and motivated to want to tackle your to-do list when you’re well-rested instead of sleepy and sluggish.

Photo: Christina Morillo, Pexels