Tribal Casinos sees Closure
By Oscar Aje
In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic this year, we’ve seen top figures casinos close down temporarily as their financial status according to a CasinoScout.ca online casino report also hit a new low. And with the outbreak still out there, the financial situation of several casino companies continues to see a drop.
This seems to not have an end as Michigan’s Upper Peninsula reports six of their tribal casinos to be closed for three weeks adhering to the regulations handed by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Five Kewadin Casinos and Bay Mills Resort and Casino were reported to have closed down on their own accord, as tribal casinos are known to not be subjected to state restrictions.
Kewadin Casinos announced to the public that they “will continue to follow all health and sanitation guidelines in place, as well as the current phase chart which outlines restrictions based on positivity rates in each county.”
From Michigan Live, we understood that the tribal casino, who have been well prepared for this, have arranged for a few things while the casino is temporarily closed, like preparing extra fundings for their employees and so on.
Bay Mills Resort and Casino will be expected to resume their daily activities on the 8th of December, while Kewadin Casinos will be reopening their business on the 9th of December. This is a great opportunity to try ice casino 50 free spins.
Currently, Michigan State has about 24 tribal casinos overall, but only 18 tribal casinos in the state will continue with their business while adhering to the additional guidelines, including event cancellations and restaurant shutdown. That rule goes for all places where visitors enjoy food, wine and other type of beverages.
Next to the local casinos, many new online casinos are forced to follow new rules as well.
Little River Casino, making the news, concluded that they adjusted and restricted the work hours and guest capacity to 25 percent.
Island Resort and Casino dropped their statement in the media, saying: “Guests and employees’ health and safety are our top priority as we continue to remain diligent in our cleaning and safety protocols. At this time, we will be remaining open.”
While events at the venue are currently put on hold till the 10th of December, their restaurants will remain open.
In other news, major casino companies in Scotland have been united launching a campaign to ask their government to rethink the coronavirus restrictions, which are ensuring the closure of the casinos.
On the 2nd of November, Scotland entered a tier 5 system of coronavirus restrictions, which ended in the closure of casinos and hotels in the country.
The biggest casino in Scotland, Grosvenor Casino is currently leading the campaign with the title: “The Chips Are Down: Save Our Casinos, Save Our Jobs” while Ceasers Entertainment, Betting and Gaming Council, and Genting Casino provide them support.
The main reason for the campaign is to see the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon ensure the comeback of the casino industry in hopes to allow them open in Level 2.
11 casinos in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, and Glasgow have tabled their petition regarding this matter.