Why you should try Pay and Play Casinos
Canadians are bored right now, with lockdowns all over the country and very little to do but sit and home and watch Netflix after work. There is a bit of a lull in the entertainment industry. The casinos here are all still closed due to them being non-essential.
Many Canadians wonder where they will go to play the slot machine or sit at the poker table as they would on the weekend before the pandemic.
The shutdowns have left online casinos as the only option, but to even the experienced gambler, an online casino can be confusing to navigate and get into at first.
Pay and Play Casinos are a method of online gambling that has been available in countries across Europe like the Netherlands and Sweden but are new to North America. Yet, they stand to change how online gambling is done entirely in Canada like few other changes in the gambling industry have ever done before.
With most online casinos, a required registration can be frustrating for the player, resulting in lost sign-up messages in the spam box. Even though registration for online casinos is often hassle-free, without warning, it can become an irritation to those who want to play quickly and may have to dig through their spam box.
Traditional online casinos often also delay the depositing of funds won by the player; winning on Saturday and only getting the funds deposited because of banking holds is entirely possible. With pay and play, the gambler can use a digital e-wallet and, by clicking the “join, play, or register” button, can be depositing funds within seconds to get into the game simply by logging in through your selected bank.
If you log off of a pay and play casino, have no worries: through the ID registration via the bank, all your info will be stored in a digital cloud so you can continue the betting at any time that works for you.
If you’re looking for something new to do and want to give online gambling a try, Pay and Play is an excellent option for those experienced at the blackjack table and the experienced gamer looking to make a few extra bucks or make some ambitious big bets. When you win in a Pay and Play casino, your wallet will get heavier right away, so you can use your winnings right away.
If you can’t get into the Great Blue Heron casino or the Casino du Lac Leamy, then go ahead and check out one of the many available Pay and Play services. With $10 being the usual minimum to play, it costs very little to try and win some extra money today!
Photo: Unsplash