Winter gutter maintenance
The cold winter weather can take a toll on the gutters. However, with proper maintenance, you can protect your home from extreme weather. Getting the gutters ready for winter ranges from cleaning them regularly to installing gutter covers. Besides that, adhering to a maintenance routine and handling eavestrough repair Toronto on time can help ensure your home is ready for the cold weather.
Clean the Gutters
Winter gutter maintenance begins with a good cleaning. You will need a stable ladder and a friend to hold it in place. Climb up the ladder and remove all the twigs, leaves and debris from the gutters. You can either use a leaf blower or a broom to clean the gutters.
Cleaning the gutters regularly helps prevent fires as well as protect the roof. Removing the debris will also guarantee a smooth flow of water into and through the gutters. The gutters will also not cave under the weight of debris build-up.
Prior to climbing up the ladder to clean the gutters yourself, it is imperative that you be agile enough to handle this task safely. You can always hire a professional to help with the cleanup. Sticking to a cleaning regime will further ensure that your gutters are well cared for.
Another great option to consider is the installation of a leaf screen. This is a screen that keeps debris from getting into the gutters. It can help you maintain a clean gutter regardless of the season.
Poor Heat Circulation
A common concern in winter-weather is ice dams. Ice dams form when heavy snow builds up on the roof. The warmer temperatures from the attic melt the snow, which freezes again when temperatures drop. This causes icicles to form at the overhand and may, at times, back up into the ceilings or walls. While some people mistake that gutter systems cause this issue, the problem can be blamed on inadequate insulation or poor heat circulation.
As winter approaches, you should consider a combination of proper gutter maintenance and the installation of high-quality gutter covers. Gutter covers will keep your gutters free of icy hazards as well as ensure your investment is properly protected in the frostiest conditions.
Inspect for Gutter Problems
In addition to keeping the gutters clean and installing the right gutter covers, it is important that you inspect for rusts, leaks, holes as well as corroded joints. Timely eavestrough repair will help you prolong the life of your gutters, ensure your house is well protected and keep gutters working as they should. While gutter patching kits are available, it is always wise to leave the repair work to professionals.
Inspect the Downspout
While the eavestrough Toronto can carry debris and water that washes off the roof for the best roofing Ottawa and Toronto, the downspout does the rest. If the downspouts are missing, blocked or damaged, water will drain at the base of your home, thus compromising the foundation. Make sure the downspouts are working properly.
Do you need additional information on how to care for gutters during winter? Do you need to replace the existing gutters or have them repaired? Trades by Jack can help with all that.
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