World Kindness Day: 4 places to volunteer in Ottawa.
Life treats everyone differently. While one person may thrive, another may be struggling. The adversities faced every day can leave some feeling stuck and alone. Sharing kindness and using extra time and energy to help others in need leaves both sides feeling uplifted.
Ottawa has plenty of amazing organizations that work hard to support and uplift underprivileged people in our community the best they can. There can never be too much kindness in places like these, so here is a list of organizations for aspiring volunteers to contribute to;
Parkdale Food Centre
Parkdale Food Centre (PFC) is not your typical food bank. They believe in providing healthy, real food to people with otherwise limited access to it. Their Mino’Weesini grocery program offers shelves of fresh produce, bread, essential non-perishables, hygiene products, baby supplies and pet supplies. PFC is also known for their community kitchen, a welcoming space for neighbours to share and eat together. For the community’s youth, PFC offers a program called thirteen, an entrepreneurial initiative to engage youth seeking employment and skill development opportunities. PFC greatly appreciates volunteers in their many endeavours and hosts regular volunteer orientations.
More information is available on their website’s volunteer page. https://parkdalefoodcentre.ca/volunteer/
Elizabeth Fry Society
A feminist organization, Elizabeth Fry Ottawa advocates for young and adult women at a high risk of criminalization. Their vision is for an inclusive and just community where all women live with equality and dignity. They offer residential programs for women post-incarceration, housing support services, legal aid in court, rehabilitation, case management, and programs for mothers to strengthen their parenting and connection to their children. For those interested in women’s protection and justice, the Elizabeth Fry Society offers various volunteer positions.
For more information, visit https://efryottawa.com/fr/careers-volunteering/volunteer/
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity believes in a world where everyone has a decent and affordable place to live. They strive to make affordable homeownership accessible to families around the world. An amazing team of volunteers, donors, and community partners makes it possible for the organization to build affordable homes for families to invest in with no down payments or intimidating interest rates. Habitat for Humanity Greater Ottawa offers volunteer positions to help build homes, partner with future family homeowners, aid with donations, and many more.
To find the position right for you, visit the Habitat for Humanity website’s involvement page https://habitatgo.com/get-involved/
Shepherds of Good Hope
Shepherds of Good Hope (SGH) Ottawa is a harm reduction and homelessness aid organization that does incredible work for Ottawa’s most vulnerable populations. They have different services to suit different people and are constantly working to create new solutions when new issues arise. Their specialized shelter programs, supportive permanent housing facilities, drop-in centres, and soup kitchen help to serve, stabilize, and protect people affected by chronic homelessness, mental health and substance abuse issues. For volunteers suited to fast-paced scenarios and passionate about helping impoverished people of all different backgrounds, choose an individual, group, or seasonal volunteering role on the SGH Ottawa website.
To register, visit https://www.sghottawa.com/volunteer/
Ottawa’s non-profit organizations help thousands of people and save lives. Volunteering is the way to make a positive impact on someone’s life while learning more about the inner workings of Ottawa’s diversely layered community. Everyone needs help sometimes, and your kindness will go a long way.